Friday, July 25, 2008

Annie--The Nanny--my hero

Once upon a time there was a really CUTE girl named Annie.

When we first met her she was 11 and we were living in Fairbanks, AK.
I had her in my Merrie Miss (boy that dates me) class and I instantly
fell in love with her. She was ALWAYS so happy and upbeat & funny
Then one sad day we had to move down to Utah and we loved Annie
so much we took her with us for awhile.

This is Annie with my daughter Natalie at Cove Fort--1990

Then she had to go back to Alaska and we kept in touch. Fast forward
to 1995. I was pregnant with my 4th child and about ready to go
crazy. So Annie agreed to come down and help me out for the summer.
She was so easy to have around--I was a mess--but she hung in
there. My kids loved her--especially my Kelly

The girls loved calling her Annie the Nanny
Annie with Taelor, Kelly and Natalie

Annie with Kelly

Sadly, the day came when Annie had to leave. She went back to Fairbanks, Ak
found her Eternal Companion---
had 4 kids of her own--fast forward to 2008....

Kelly with Annie's kids
My Kelly is now 15 and she gets to go to Fairbanks and stay with
Annie and her family!

And she totally bonds with the youngest--Brenna (isn't Brenna yummy??!!)

I just really love how life is always circling--wouldn't be cool if when
Brenna grows up--she comes to stay with Kelly and her family?!

Anyways=I just wanted Annie to know how much joy she has brought to my life.
She is always so optimistic and upbeat and generous. She is definately one of my
heroes! I stalk her blog constantly and her joy for life inspires me. Her
photography too. THanx Annie for letting me journey along side you a little
and for loving my children--especially Kelly--and for taking such good care of her.
I hope its alright that I posted these photos--I know its really sappy--but we love
you! (And really--I want a priority box filled with Bret!)

One of the pics Annie took--isn't she beautiful--and isn't it a great photo??!!



annie said...

Aaaaah, shucks!! :o) What a WONDERFUL surprise!! I was a bit fearful after seeing the first photo!! HAHA! I was so crazy! Still am a little... just ask Kelly! She endured us well! HA! THANKS Lisa! I haven't seen those last day Montana pictures in a LONG time! WOW- and to think I gained 9 pounds that summer...that was a good summer. I found myself telling Kelly all the things you taught me that summer- like putting riccata cheese in lasagna- yum. SO FUN! Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you've been so kind to me over all my teenage years and beyond! You're awesome! :o) LOVE YOU!

Carla said...

so sweet-these kids cant possibly realize the affect their sweet spirits have on us 'grow'd ups' Its eternal-it really is!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

You are so lucky you have someone like Annie. Your post about her is so sweet. I don't know her but she seems like an angel. Yeah, I agree your daughter is beautiful. I'm into amateur photography or I'd like to think so :-) and Annie did a great job capturing her pretty smile.

kitchenditcher said...

How lucky you BOTH are to have had a chance to help each other out. Isn't that what the gospel is all about? I LOVE the people that the Lord has placed in the path of my life!