Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Good Thing...

Once again I have let my blog go in favor of keeping up with the realities of life. What is up with that??!! I am a little afraid to publish this but…..
...I have never watched a reality show. AAAKK!!
My real life is stressful enough…watching someone else deal with theirs puts me over the edge. My mindless entertainment tastes run along the lines of Bones, Burn Notice, Psych, Monk and Chuck to name a few. (The cotton candy of the NON reality entertainment genre) Please—no hate mail, I try and redeem myself with voracious reading and a lot of Bach, Mozart and ZZ Top.

As fascinating as my inability to fit into “normal” is, I really wanted this post to be about our trip to Spokane, WA. It was WONDERFUL!! We were able to take 2 cars and take my parents with us, stay in a motel with a pool (that is HUGE in our family) and make it to the temple ON TIME Saturday morning. (Also HUGE in our family—actually—just me—I may or may not, struggle with being on time) It was a beautiful ceremony and it is hard to put into words, but it just FEELS like our family is now complete. That such a brief moment of time can affect all of our eternity—simply amazing. We were home again, in our own beds by Saturday night, so it was a quick trip. Here are a few photos. I am just starting my photoshop journey--be kind.

Spokane Temple March 14, 2009


Jan said...

Lovely. I can picture the whole day in my mind. I love the setting of the Spokane Temple. So remote and cozy. Don't ya think?

Great for your family.

Mikki said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures. What a wonderful day. I'm so happy for your sweet family.

Sorenson Family said...

Nice pics Lisa. I really like them. Glad your family is now sealed. What a wonderful feeling especially for Bean.

Anonymous said...

I'm the first to comment...WOO HOO!!!

It looks like you had a wonderful trip. I love it when that happens, they are so few and far between (trips) that we try to make every moment count.

Have a happy Monday.

onlymehere said...

This absolutely warms my heart! What do you mean "be kind" bz you're just starting on photoshop?! These pictures are awesome! You don't give yourself enough credit. I'm so glad that she's your's forever and that you got to take your parents too. Congrats.

Scrappy Girl said...

Great photos...looks like a great family time!

BTW...I disagree with your opinion on reality tv...LOL! I watch them to make myself feel BETTER about my life! There are some real crazy people out there! Makes me feel more sane!

Happy Spring!

Karen Sue said...

what nice pictures!! there is a good feeling of completing the circle..of tucking all the chicks safely under your wings.. check out what we were doing this weekend!!
Enjoying the melting of winter here!

Karen Sue said...

what nice pictures!! there is a good feeling of completing the circle..of tucking all the chicks safely under your wings.. check out what we were doing this weekend!!
Enjoying the melting of winter here!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Beautiful beautiful photos!! What a terrifically wonderful day :-)

Miss Ky is looking at your blog and she just said "Jesus Christ amen". That sums it up, doesn't it?

DesertHen said...

Happy Spring!

Love the photos, you did a great job! The trip sounded so nice and I'm so happy all of your family could be together. Thanks for sharing. I love the photo with the hands....very touching and special.

One of these days I will learn how to use photoshop as well...first I have to install it on the computer. It has been sitting in the box for months now!

I have backed way off of the reality tv time for such nonsense these days. I do like Dancing with the Stars....but other than that, I stick with Bones, House, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters and LOST. And I have to record most of those on the DVR and watch them when I have time.


Boyd Family said...

Loved every picture, thanks for sharing. The kids are so grown up. They are all so beautiful. I am so excited for you. There's nothing more rewarding in life than this. Congrats!!

Cynthia said...

Looks like a wonderful trip and experience. I'm so glad your Dad could be there- I know that made it extra special. Congratulations to the whole family.

tammy said...

I don't like much reality TV either. In fact, I hate a lot of it and the fact that good series get cancelled because of stupid reality, which isn't really reality at all.

Love all the pics! You can just see the happiness.

Anonymous said...

those are aweswome pics!

You done good GF! Real good.


Linda said...

Such beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! I'm so glad your Dad was able to join in...he looks good!

Susan Anderson said...

Looks like one big, happy family to me!

Congratulations to ALL of you.


Carla said...

What beauties! I know we can't totally understand the comfort this gives, but I know you feel it! So glad your folks were able to attend too:)
Congrats on your 'new' baby:)

OrenBrittnkids said...

Congrats Angel and family! It looks like everyone had a great time! I love your dress Angel! Elizabeth and Calvin miss you guys and want to come to Kelly Lisa and Angels house. Maybe we'll make reservations for sometime this summer. Oh yeah, and we never go ANYWHERE without that purse...thanks! Love you guys! Britt the baby machine =)

Da Bergs said...

GREAT pictures!!! In fact.... you gave me a great idea... I want a picture of my daddy's hand with Chad's hand, thank you!!!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Everyone looks so radiant and happy in these beautiful pictures, it kind of made me sniffly-teary and I'm not even related to you. I know, I'm weird!

By the way, I love that you don't fit into NORMAL because that just about describes me as well :-)

Tootsie said...

what wonderful photos!!!!

Nana said...

What a great experience!! I love seeing the pics. I'm glad your dad could be there.

nikkicrumpet said...

Wonderful happy pictures! I'm so glad you got to be there. What a great experience for the entire family! I loved the picture of the hands.